
Ada 4 Posisi Lowongan Kerja di Lozy Hijab Tasikmalaya : Terbuka Untuk Lulusan SMA SMK sampai S1


Ada 4 Posisi Lowongan Kerja di Lozy Hijab Tasikmalaya : Terbuka Untuk Lulusan SMA SMK sampai S1

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Lokertasikmalaya.ID – Update Info lowongan Kerja 27 Juli 2024, Lowongan Kerja Lozy Hijab

lokertasikmalaya.id adalah situs tentang lowongan kerja di daerah Tasikmalaya, Ciamis, Banjar, Garut, Pangandaran, dan juga lowongan kerja nasional, kami mendapatkan sumber dengan valid dan terpercaya dari HRD HRD perusahan.

Simpan dan bookmark alamat lokertasikmalaya.id untuk mendapatkan loker terbaru dan terupdate setiap harinya.

Ingat kerja Ingat Lokertasikmalaya.id

Lowongan Kerja Lozy Hijab



  1. Female with max age 26 years old
  2. Bachelor Degree (S1) in Accounting or Economics
  3. Proficient in Ms Office; especially Ms Excel
  4. Knowledge of general financial accounting and cost accounting.
  5. Able to work both in a team and as an individual, hard-working and able to meet deadlines
  6. Good interpersonal skills, organised and detail oriented.
  7. Willing to be placed in LOZY Warehouse Tasikmalaya

Please send your update resume to email : hr@lozy.id
with the subject ACC_Full Name


Job Description:

  • Creating, and editing contents video which will catch customer interest and engagement
  • Collaborating with marketing and creative team to produce high quality contents
  • Presenting fresh ideas for reaching customers by promoting Lozy’s product


  1. Diploma/Bachelor’s Degree in Any Major with min 1 years of experience on creative industry
  2. Have experience creating original ideas and producing content
  3. Have copywriting skills to produce story content and caption
  4. Able to working individually and in teams.
  5. Willing to be placed at Lozy’s Warehouse Tasikmalaya

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